Around the Corner by Svyatoslav Shyrochuk
S1023 Original Oil on canvas by Svyatoslav Shyrochuk. 24” x 30”
Svyatoslav Shyrochuk (Sher) was born on March 16, 1958, in Dnipro, Ukraine (Formerly knows as Dnipropetrovsk or Dnepropetrovsk). At the age of eight, Svyatoslav began to attend the art school of Dnipro where he had the opportunity to work with talented artists that presented their artwork in The Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum. His dream was always to be one of the artists featured in his hometown's museum. Svyatoslav work was influenced by his parents that were both artists; his mother was a musician playing the violin and his father was a painter painting landscapes of his beautiful hometown. Combining music, landscape paintings, and modern artists at the time from the museum, helped Svyatoslav to create his unique style of a modern and colorful landscape illustrating the four seasons of his hometown. Svyatoslav's work is characterized by the heavy texture that he uses and his rainbow-colored strokes created by applying oil paints with a palette knife. He paints in a style remeniscent of Leonid Afremove.
Some of his works have sold for many thousands of pounds.